Organization: Asset Africa Institute
Registration deadline: 24 Feb 2017
Starting date: 01 Mar 2017
Ending date: 03 Mar 2017
Dear Partner,
Asset Africa Institute, (, is pleased to announce the following senior seminar set to take place in March 2017 in Nairobi, Kenya.
Seminar Title: Concept Development and Proposal Writing Seminar for Post Graduate Students and Researchers
Date: 1st -3rd March 2017
Venue: Nairobi, Kenya
Cost: USD650
Target Participants
- Postgraduate students (Masters and PhD)
- Prospective postgraduate students
- Independent Researchers
- Scholars wishing to deepen their grasp in this field
- Career scholars from developing and under-developed countries
Need for the Seminar
Masters and doctoral students the world over are expected to conduct research culminating in the writing of a thesis for examination before being awarded their respective degrees. Some universities require students to have come up with a proposal by the end of the one-year coursework, while others demand a concept paper or even a full proposal at admission into the post graduate programme. At other times, a prospective post graduate student may need to write a proposal for the purposes of applying for a scholarship. Researchers too need well-written proposals if their projects are to stand a chance of winning a research grant.
Developing a concept paper and later the proposal however presents a challenge to many students and researchers. It is not uncommon for students to fail at the proposal defence even after having put in hours and hours in proposal writing. Many scholarship- and grant-offering institutions evaluate proposals submitted to decide who qualifies and who does not. Some sections of a proposal such as the background to the study, research objectives, questions and assumptions are easy to formulate. Others such as statement of the problem and theoretical/conceptual framework need to be unambiguously aligned to the problem the study seeks to address if the proposal is to be accepted.
The seminar is designed to sharpen the post graduate/researcher's skills right from conceptualizing the idea for research, up to the expectations at the oral defence. At hand will be experts of long-standing academic repute to facilitate, guide the participants and answer questions that will arise. The gathering will also provide an opportunity to link students/researchers with scholars who can offer further guidance beyond the scope of the seminar.
Day 1 (Plenary)
- Sources of research ideas
- Doing literature review
- Citation formats
- Avoiding plagiarism
- Need for theory in research
Day 2 (Participants are grouped into their general areas of specialization)
- Various proposal formats
- Statement of the problems
- Differentiating theoretical and conceptual frameworks
- Research design
- Aligning theory to research.
Day3 (Plenary)
- Data collection, analysis, and Presentation
- Preparing for oral defence and examination
- Grant writing& Applying for a research grant-Pathways to success
- Question-answer session.
DURATION: The training will take three days.
Day 1 will be spent on general areas and preliminaries as seen in the course content. The areas to be covered are suitable for all participants irrespective of discipline.
Day 2: Participants are grouped into general 'schools' such as:
- Humanities and Social Sciences
- Business and Economics
- Sciences, Engineering, Health and allied Other related disciplines
The training on Day 2 will cover ground in discipline specific areas in proposal writing.
Day 3: Participants again meet in a plenary session to cover content scheduled for day 3
Workshop facilitators include:
- Dr. Stephen Kamau - School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Kenyatta University
- Dr. Fidelius Magero - School of Pure and Applied Sciences, Kenyatta University
- Dr. Philip Wambua -School of Business, Kenyatta University
- Dr. Eunice Ngari, Senior Research Analyst, Community Health & Development, Health System Strengthening (IHSS)
- Dr. Kariuki Banda - School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Kenyatta University
About the Organization
Asset Africa Institute ( has distinguished itself as the training provider of choice among development organizations. AAI specializes in the research, design and delivery of high quality and affordable training programs for development workers worldwide. We work with a team of high end consultant base of more than 130 highly educated and experienced professionals many of whom are involved in post doctoral research work. Over the years, AAI has provided consultancies and training to such reputable organizations as: Federal University, Birnin Kebbi-Nigeria, African Institute for Capacity Development (AICAD),Norwegian Church Aid-Zambia, ACOMIN-Nigeria, Tear Fund-DRC, CLEEN Organization-Nigeria, Love Botswana Outreach Mission, Islamic Relief-Somalia, National Museums of Kenya, Cornerstone Development-Uganda, International Organization for Immigration (South Sudan), Save Your Generation (SYG)-Ethiopia, Africa Rice Center (Africa Rice)-Benin, Rwanda Union of the Blind, Sasakawa Africa Association-Ethiopia, Harare Institute of Technology, Care International-Mali, Africa Centre of Excellence in Oilfield Chemicals Research (CEFOR) University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria, Mazommo Construction Company-Liberia, Addis Ababa University, Uganda Industrial Research Institute, IOM-Sudan**,** Integrated Development Organization(IDO),South Sudan, among others
To register for this seminar kindly contact:
Lillian Ateng’
Training Coordinator
Asset Africa Institute,
Trust Mansion Hse,
Tubman Road off Koinange Street
P.O. Box 12903 – 00100, Nairobi, Kenya
Phone: +254 -722 469454/720986965,
How to register:
To enroll for this training, fill in the registration form attached and then email it to the attention of:
Lillian Ateng’
Training Coordinator
Asset Africa Institute
Trust Mansion Hse, Tubman Road off Koinange Street
P.O. Box 12903 - 00100
Nairobi, Kenya
Phone: +254 -722 469454/720986965