Organization: Asset Africa Institute
Registration deadline: 05 Sep 2016
Starting date: 14 Sep 2016
Ending date: 16 Sep 2016
Dear Partner,
Asset Africa Institute, (, is pleased to announce the following seminar set to take place in August, 2016.**Workshop Name:** Excellent Communications Customer Care and Public Relations Skills Workshop
Date: 14th -16th September 2016
Venue: Nairobi, Kenya
Need for Training
As the voice of the organization to the public, customer care representatives and public relations staff face an arduous task-from dealing with difficult customers, customers with peculiar interests, customers seeking information unrelated to the services you offer, abusive customers, customers who use threats, overwork among others and upward mobile organizations need to adopt a practice of continuous improvement of systems, processes and skills of this cadre of staff to ensure that all customers and stakeholders are treated fairly and with the utmost respect and to identify different ways to deliver their services to meet changing customer and stakeholders needs so as to be the organization of choice among those customers.
Participants to this 3 day Communications, Customer Care and Public Relations Training Workshop will equip themselves with specific tools, skills and techniques that are specific and proven to be effective in generating corporate/institutional success, tools which, when applied, yield improved individual performance; - skills to generate real and high value leads, skills to navigate customer care dynamics to maximize opportunities for organization’s products and services.
As part of the training, participants will pay a bench marking field visit to a selected top international institution to access how communications, public relations and customer care is handled in the organization to be followed by a review of the visit and a “**sealing of the gap”** session to find out what aspects of the lessons learnt from the visit could be applied to their work once back.
Upon return to work, participants will demonstrate superior technical and professional communications, public relations and customer service skills at all times through the consistent provision of polite, helpful, memorable and inspiring experiences to organization clientele in the delivery of services and products.
ObjectiveTo equip communications, customer care representatives and public relations staff with the knowledge, skills and attitudes required in dealing with customers of all temperaments and at all levels Training Course Content
Overview of PR and Customer Care: The Role & Scope of PR, Value of PR in an Organization, What is Customer Care? PR Vs. Customer Care
What is Organization Message? - Does your staff understand the brand message?!The 7 must have attributes of a good customer care & public relations staff
Improving your PR Writing Skills: Principles of Effective Writing, Writing for Impact
PR media training: Qualities of a good news story, How to write an impactful press release, How to handle the media in crisis
Internal & External Communication**:** Designing Strategies for Results-Oriented Communication -Communicating Up, Down and Across the Organization
Improving your Individual communication skills: Speak with more vocal confidence-Effective use of your body language to create a stronger “presence”-How to Influence your audiences
Personal Development: How to create a “compelling” personal brand that wins customers**,** maintaining healthy work relationships for optimal productivity**,** Self Assertiveness with respect for authority**,** dressing for the office/work-the Dos & Don’ts
Towards Customer Focused Service: How can we use our customers to help us deliver first class service to them? Customer feedback strategies:
Ethics and PR/Customer Service: Embedding the issues of fairness, honesty, integrity, transparency and accountability to clients, stakeholders and publics
Diversity Management in Customer Care: How to relate with clients and stakeholders of different cultural, religious, economic and education backgrounds- How to handle customers with peculiar interests- How to relate and win over difficult customers
How to handle customer complaints: Overview of Common Customer Complaints to your organization-Current Customers Complaints Response Mechanisms-Sorting out Complaints-Acknowledging receipt of a complaint-Channels of communication complaints-Timeliness in response to complaints-**Things to never say to a customer**-How to document customer Complaints
Designing client service work plans: Work plan development process-factors influencing work plan design, Work plan development process-factors influencing work plan design, Implementing the plan-Commitments & Flexibility, Setting service standards those customers expects"Regional Customer care representatives" to demonstrate when they visit their premises
How to relate to customers in times of distress/emergencies
Reporting Writing: Qualities of a good report, What a good report should contain, Irrelevant reports, Why some reports are never read/acted upon, How to write a report to give you the feedback you want!, How to send order deadline reminders without offending sensibilities, Handling incomplete reportsSimplified solutions to customers concerns How to courteously handle customers on social mediaCustomer Service, Public Relation and Emotional Intelligence
Benchmarking Field Work-Sealing the gapHow your organization can make the work of customer care staff that deal with public more enjoyable experience & reduce staff turnoverHow to create “healthy completion” among customer service & public relations staff
Staff Motivation& Team Building: We Deliver More when One! -A team building activity
About the Organization
Asset Africa Institute ( has distinguished itself as the training provider of choice among development organizations. AAI specializes in the research, design and delivery of high quality and affordable training programs for development workers worldwide. We work with a team of high end consultant base of more than 130 highly educated and experienced professionals many of whom are involved in post doctoral research work. Over the years, AAI has provided consultancies and training to such reputable organizations as: Federal University, Birnin Kebbi-Nigeria, African Institute for Capacity Development (AICAD),Norwegian Church Aid-Zambia, ACOMIN-Nigeria, Tear Fund-DRC, CLEEN Organization-Nigeria, Love Botswana Outreach Mission, Islamic Relief-Somalia, National Museums of Kenya, Cornerstone Development-Uganda, International Organization for Immigration (South Sudan), Save Your Generation (SYG)-Ethiopia, Africa Rice Center (Africa Rice)-Benin, Rwanda Union of the Blind, Sasakawa Africa Association-Ethiopia, Harare Institute of Technology, Care International-Mali, Africa Centre of Excellence in Oilfield Chemicals Research (CEFOR) University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria, Mazommo Construction Company-Liberia, Addis Ababa University, among others
For information in regard to the above seminar contact:
Lillian Ateng’
Training Coordinator
Asset Africa Institute,
Trust Mansion Hse,
Tubman Road off Koinange Street
P.O. Box 12903 – 00100, Nairobi, Kenya
Phone: +254 -722 469454/720986965,
Email: /
How to register:
To enroll for this seminar, fill in the registration form attached and then email it to the attention of:
Lillian Ateng’
Training Coordinator
Asset Africa Institute
Trust Mansion Hse, Tubman Road off Koinange Street
P.O. Box 12903 - 00100
Nairobi, Kenya
Phone: +254 -722 469454/720986965